1. How to Use Radio Buttons in React

    Radio buttons are used when you have a list of 2 or more options, and you want the user to select exactly one of them. The way we use radio buttons in React is different from the way we usually do it in HTML, but is easy to understand and …

  2. How to Make a Triangle with CSS

    CSS doesn’t have any built-in way to make triangles, but an easy way to solve the problem is to just use borders. Let’s say we have an element with borders on all sides: As you can see, the borders doesn’t have sharp corners, and we can use …

  3. Why I Wake up Early—and Why You Should Too

    > Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. —Benjamin Franklin Waking up early is a common habit among many highly successful people. Apple CEO Tim Cook and business magnate Richard Branson are two examples. Of course, waking up early doesn’t automatically make …

  4. CSS Box Model and Box Sizing Explained

    If you are a developer writing any kind of CSS, you should know about the box model, and how it relates to the sizing of elements. Let’s dig in to that right now. The CSS Box Model Every HTML element is a box. That box has 4 different layers: …

  5. Copy to Clipboard with JavaScript

    A nice feature is to let users automatically copy some text to their clipboard by clicking a button. An example of where this can be helpful is when you need to get a URL to share with others. Let’s see how we can do this in JavaScript. First, we …